An abundance mindset refers to seeing life as having limitless possibilities; seeing the potential in yourself and others; thus moving into creating the life you want.
I am a big fan of quotes. I’ve been collecting them in a journal for years. I have to honestly say that they’ve informed my life. The quotes that resonate with me have stayed in my thoughts and imagination for a long time.
There’s a saying that ‘Attitude Is Everything,’ and that is one of my leading sayings that I live by. It’s so important to be intentional about what attitude you decide to bring into your day.
Have you ever noticed how, when you start edging toward negative thoughts, those thoughts seem to build on themselves? It can cause a negative pattern of thoughts to emerge and seem to continue in a downward spiral.
At the start of a new year, it can be a good practice to give yourself a ‘shot in the arm’ of inspiration. These quotes resonate with me and I hope some of them resonate with you, too.