What Does Success Look Like To You?

If someone asked you if you’re successful, what would you say? People don’t always consider themselves successful even though others do. Sometimes a person is so ‘in the weeds’ and involved in their daily pursuits that they don’t give themselves space to figure out if they feel that they’re ‘successful.’

It’s a good exercise to take some time, maybe during a coffee or tea break, to make a list of your successes; both in your occupation as well as your other pursuits. 

It’s also a positive exercise to brainstorm with yourself as to how to enhance what you already do in order to  move forward. It’s a fun exercise to think ahead to next steps; great for goal setting.

But what if, despite successes, a person feels that they haven’t measured up? Expectations and how we view them, can be troublesome things. If you’re overwhelmed by your expectations, take a breath and take time to break down the list. Here’s a way to get started:

  1. Take care of your own health; nurture yourself.  

  2. Practice daily affirmations.

  3. Practice Power Poses-(for more information, see the Ted Talks by Amy Cuddy). 

  4. Focus on relationships with positive people who support you.

  5. Read inspirational books and quotes that resonate with you.

  6. Practice gratitude.

  7. Work on developing a growth mindset.

  8. Believe in your dreams!