Don't Be Afraid Of The Space Between Your Dreams And Your Ambition

I’ve been thinking about the space between a person’s dreams and the achievement of their goals. That space can be a huge chasm and very daunting.

Wherever dreams come from, it’s as if a spark ignites and fills your brain with exciting possibilities. These thoughts can fill you up and the results can seem like an endless journey to the outcomes you desire. Dreaming is rooted in ideas and creativity, but how to turn them into reality?

In the space between your dreams and your achievements lies self-doubt, imposter syndrome, and the logistics of how to go from Point A to Point B. I’m all about encouragement, but the practicalities of being human can stand in the way. For example, in my journey to become a Life Coach I had seen somebody I admired doing some presentations. What she was doing resonated with me, but I simply didn’t know how to get there myself. It took a lot of researching before I happened to see a course on Life Coaching offered by somebody I knew and admired.

Part of what stood in my way as I was looking to fulfill my dream was self-doubt and an inertia that was telling me that it was too hard to find a path to my goal.

I finally had to fill that negative space with a positive attitude by signing up for the course and taking baby steps to my goal.  

What I’m saying is that the space between dreams and the achievement of goals is filled with incremental changes to both a positive attitude and small steps each day. In that way the goal doesn’t seem insurmountable but achievable.