Fear is something we want to push away, but sometimes it becomes familiar and in a strange way we ‘get used to it.’
In my own experience, I had a scary situation happen as our plane was landing in Washington, D.C. The plane suddenly dropped, I think due to a change in pressure, and I honestly thought we were going to die.
After that, I became terrified to fly, especially during take-offs and landings. I clung to my fear as if I was drowning.
How did I finally let go? I felt the only way to move forward was to learn to live in the moment and not ‘catastrophize.’
I’m happy to say that by concentrating on the moment I finally broke free of the fear. I love to travel so of course that was a huge relief!
By learning to live in the moment it becomes more difficult to ‘catastrophize’ and ‘what if’ at the same time.
Learning to live in the moment takes time. One way to do that is to meditate in order to develop the mental muscle to redirect your thoughts when straying into a loop of fearful thoughts. It is a pattern of living that’s worth the effort.