There is so much we can learn from nature. In many ways we grow our own roots just as trees do. And just like trees, if our roots are strong, we will be strong.
What is the genesis of our roots? This question makes me think of a T.V. program I like-’Finding Your Roots.’ Our roots as people go way back to our ancestors and through to our parents and ourselves.
Parents who have strong roots themselves will plant seeds of confidence, empathy, and joy in their children. Sometimes teachers or family take that role when parents aren’t able to.
What is planting a seed? The website, ‘Tiny Buddha,’ says that “It’s the simple act of setting something into motion that will help you create the life you want to lead.” The seeds that you plant take time to grow and they need nurturing.
When the seeds that you plant are cared for and nourished they change and grow. The seed will undergo a transformation and eventually begin to flower. Rachel Carson said, “.....facts are the seeds that later produce knowledge and wisdom, then the emotions and the impressions of the senses are the fertile soil in which the seeds most grow.”
It’s helpful to make a diagram of a tree with roots and fill in the roots what your strengths are. Seeing this information in front of you helps reinforce what makes your roots strong. As you develop these, they become more intrinsic to your daily life. In a very real way this makes you bloom into becoming who you are.