Surrounding Yourself With Calm

To begin to think about a calm approach to everyday life, it’s important to realize what your emotional triggers are. Once you think about what instigates strong reactions, you can start to figure out how to meet these situations with a calmer attitude.

A big part of this discussion is to notice what your patterns are. For example, if your partner starts the day with a bad mood, do you take that mood on yourself, or do you seek out calm with a cup of tea in a quiet room? The more you can form patterns of having calmer reactions, the more those patterns become strong habits of behavior. Of course there are a lot of elements to every day, especially concerning the people in your lives, but it’s important to work to protect yourself from others’ negativity.

There are ways to employ self-calming. Some examples are to take a walk, listen to music that calms you, and sitting quietly and breathing deeply. 

This is not to say that you should suppress your feelings. It’s important to work through those emotions. In the ‘Breathe Journal,’ an article states, “Developing a habit of calm to raise self-awareness, enables a person to notice and experience feeling that surface and then diffuse them. With this awareness, a perspective can be consciously shifted and an incident resolved.” This practice will eventually become new habits and patterns of behavior. 

Here are some ways to develop these habits:

  • Make walking a daily habit.

  • Find ways to bring humor into your life.

  • Yoga or Tai Chi are great ways to develop a sense of calm.

  • Develop ways to be creative; maybe taking a painting class or a therapeutic drumming circle.

  • Be in nature more.

  • Remember to breathe deeply as a daily practice.  

Let’s talk about ways to bring calm into your life. You can reach me through the contact form page here and sign up for a free consultation!