Childhood is a time for dreaming of the future. The ‘stock in trade’ for children is imagination. They use their imaginations to play, which, in part, is a ‘dress rehearsal’ for adulthood.
It’s intriguing to think of what we as adults would say to our child selves to get ready for being an adult.
One piece of advice I would tell my child self is not to try to change myself to please others.
I would say that it’s okay to fail. Making mistakes is a way to learn and grow.
Ask for what you want. Learn to recognize your own worth and act on it.
Your inner critic might try to scare you or tell you you’re not good enough. Surround yourself with people and the environment around you that supports you and fills your life with positivity.
Don’t ‘borrow trouble.’ Catastrophizing can lead to a negative downward spiral that simply doesn't help you in your life.
I would say that living in the moment helps curtail worry and downward spirals. Learning to live in the moment is living your best life.
Be kind to others and to yourself. Know that it’s okay to be yourself and to be unique. Know that your opinion matters.
Take good care of yourself. Take time to do things that you enjoy.
Finally, be a life-long learner. Use your curiosity and imagination to learn about yourself and the world around you.