Attachments can keep you tethered to habits you otherwise might get rid of. It’s often a matter of a habit that possibly served you at one time, but no longer does. Something to consider is that once you’ve gotten rid of a habit, it needs to be replaced by a healthier one. Also, getting rid of a habit needs to be done incrementally—-baby steps. A good approach is to create a system that helps you ease into the new, healthier habit.
Here are some great ways to move beyond the attachment to bad habits:
Setting boundaries
Focus on being intentional in going about your day.
It helps to know what your cues are. There’s usually a cue that precedes the habit. For example, feeling overwhelmed can trigger mindless eating. Having some healthy snacks on hand can head off overeating. It’s the way to disrupt the unhealthy habit, and replacing overeating with healthier eating—--a positive replacement.
Focusing long term while trying to change unhealthy habits will help you remember the new goals.
It’s a challenge to change habits, but persist in working on it, and soon your new behaviors will evolve into habits too; but ones that are better for you!