During these overwhelming times, I often feel that I’m balancing, (somewhat precariously), on a thin wall. What to do?
Emotional balance is defined as ‘the ability of the mind and body to maintain equilibrium and flexibility in the face of a challenge and change.’ Finding our emotional balance helps with physical health, personal well being, and growth.
Here are some ways to achieve emotional balance:
Have a weekly date with a good and trusted friend.
Regular meetings with a trained therapist.
Attend group counseling sessions.
Hire a Life Coach.
Have regular discussions with your spiritual leader.
Journal before bed each night.
Spend time in nature on a regular basis.
In the work to achieve emotional balance, the most important step is to identify what emotions you’re feeling, and why. This can take practice, but is key to your emotional health and well-being.
Meditation, yoga, and deep breathing exercises are also important ways to stop balancing precariously on that wall and find your way to being deeply grounded and emotionally healthy.