Would you ever think that the word ‘yet’ has power? Well, it does. Although I’m all about living in the moment, I also think that when the word ‘yet’ is applied to a situation, it gives you some ‘wiggle room.’ As one example, in learning to play a musical instrument, you need to be living in the moment to practice and learn. By living in those moments, you keep learning. Although you haven’t reached your goals ‘yet,’ by moving forward in pursuing them—--You Will!
Likewise, when you say you’re not good at something, why not add the word ‘yet?’ That simple, little word opens up all kinds of possibilities. C.S.Lewis said that, “You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.”
Think about when you plant a garden, you don’t see what blossoms from the seeds—yet. Eventually, (another great word), your hard work at planting will ‘blossom.’
If you’re not good at, for example, math, get someone to help you develop your abilities. Maybe there was a time when your helper said they weren't good at math—yet.
I’m fairly sure that most inventors tried many different things before they had success. They persevered, not having all the answers—-yet.
Along with ‘yet’ comes the word ‘perseverance.’ They go hand-in-hand. Perseverance in a goal takes you to being able to say, “I haven’t quite gotten there yet.”
‘Yet’ is a key to goal momentum. It helps you see ‘the light at the end of the tunnel,’ which is vital to success.
Next time you say “I can’t,” add the word ‘yet.’ Doing that simple tweak changes everything. ‘Yet’ is a small word with enormous power!