Subtle Shifts That Can Move You From Self Defeating to Confident

If you have issues on feeling self-confident, it might surprise you to know that subtle shifts can help you get there. One way to accomplish this is an exercise I often recommend to clients. In one column, make a list of ways in which you don’t feel confident. In the other column make a list of what your strengths are.

Now divide the list into ‘bite-size’ pieces. What I mean by that is pick one element of your list and work on that one thing for at least a week or two. For example, let’s say that when you walk into a room with other people you feel ‘invisible.’ Notice what your posture is. Make sure you walk strong with shoulders back and standing tall. This will actually train your brain to feel more confident. When you do this consistently it will become habitual. Subtle shift.

By addressing self-confidence in these smaller chunks, one at a time, you can improve your outlook a little at a time.