Surviving the Holidays with Confidence-Don’t Overextend

The holidays are supposed to be fun! Right?

Then why do so many people, (dare I say mostly women?), start feeling freaked out around mid-October?

Take a deep breath and let’s take a quick look at what you want the holidays to be about. It might be taking the time to enjoy family and friends, baking some goodies, or decorating your house.

It’s a good idea to take a few moments to brainstorm with yourself and make a short list of what would make your holidays relaxed and fun.

A good way to follow up in de-stressing is to make a schedule outline starting at least 2 months ahead of the holidays. This gives you a task breakdown so everything doesn’t ‘bunch up’ with too little time to do everything. 

When you have a visual of your tasks and you can see space between them, that alone can help you relax.

I would suggest that a good philosophy is, “So what?” If your cookies are store bought is anyone really going to know or care? People came to see you! Let go of too many expectations and try to find ways to make it easier on yourself. You deserve to enjoy your holidays every bit as much as your company!

I hope these suggestions help! 

One more thing-after all the activity and excitement -gift yourself! Your gift doesn’t need to be expensive-a cup of tea in a quiet spot can recharge your batteries and help you feel pampered.

Would you like help in ‘de-frazzling?’ You can reach out to me through my e-mail or website.