Let’s start with this—-What is Imposter Syndrome?
Imposter Syndrome is an internal experience of self-doubt. It is the belief that you are not as competent as others. Despite the education and accomplishments you have you still feel inadequate.
I’ve had those feelings. Many of us do, including famous people who appear confident on the outside, but are plagued by self-doubt on the inside. David Bowie and Maya Angelou are two examples.
I’ve stood on the stage with other musicians wondering if I measure up; even though there’s also an inner knowing that lies deep within. That knowing is that I actually do deserve to share the stage.
It’s important to accept your role in your own success. When something good happens, realize that you had something tangible to do with that.
Another great tactic is to write a list or in a journal about positive feedback colleagues, friends, and family have said about your achievements.
Making a valuable contribution to helping other people can boost your own feelings of self-worth. This can bring you out of your own feelings of self-worth. This can bring you out of your own inner turmoil and help put your mind and energies on others.
The term ‘syndrome’ is a bit of a misnomer. According to Forbes”.....imposter syndrome is better described as a phenomenon because, unlike mental health conditions like depression or anxiety, it isn’t pervasive across all parts of your life. It usually only presents in certain situations—-especially professional ones that you perceived as stressful, challenging, or demanding. Imposter syndrome tends to occur at certain times and under certain conditions and is not an inherent unchangeable part of who you are.”
A few key points as listed in ‘Psychology Today’ are:
Naming both sides of the conflict helps loosen the grip of imposter syndrome.
Naming your underlying core emotions can alleviate some anxiety and clarify the experience.
Giving compassion to yourself softens physical tension.
Concentrating on who you are at your core, really identifying that, is key. Again, journaling about your self-identity is important. This helps you realize what you have to offer, and that, in turn, will help kick Imposter Syndrome to the curb.
Need help kicking Imposter Syndrome to the curb? I am currently accepting new clients and I offer a free 30-minute consultation! Click here to book with me.