Celebrating in Troubled Times

One of my ‘go-to’ phrases is ‘Celebrate Life.’ It resonates with me because it puts me in the moment, and that’s where I like to live.

Having said that, I feel that allowing the past to enrich your present is a positive thing.

And the future need not be a cause for alarm. If you believe in ‘The Secret,’ which I do, then using your goals and imagination to manifest your future, works! I’ve seen that happen so many times. 

I’ll give you an example from my own life. As a child I desperately wanted a dog. I wished for it and imagined it all the time. I’ve always loved animals, but especially dogs. I felt that manifestation come to life when my boyfriend, (future husband), presented me with a Valentine’s Day gift-a dog! Not surprisingly we named her ‘Valentine,’ and she was wonderful!

Since that time, we’ve had 12 dogs throughout our marriage, so far. Manifestation made real.

Life is a gift that’s well worth celebrating. It’s hard to imagine sometimes how to do that with world events swirling around us.

One approach to celebrating life is to elevate everyday routines into rituals. 

For example, when you have your morning coffee or tea, you could enhance those moments by listening to some favorite music. Music is a powerful resource for elevating our moods.

Once a week you could treat yourself with a leisurely bubble bath with all the ‘fixins,’ a good book, a candle, soft music, and anything else that would enhance the experience for you.

Here are some ideas for celebrating Life that I adhere to. These come from a favorite book: Living a Beautiful Life by Alexandra Stoddard. See if any of these rituals resonate with you:

“The difference between feeling bored and feeling alive, I believe, lies in a stimulating daily life that is elevated into a fuller experience through pleasing details.”

“Small personal touches added to the things we do repeatedly create rituals that give us confidence and energy. You have power over your daily life; you can set up useful systems that will help you sustain these rituals in many satisfying ways.”

The celebration of life can be approached in this way:

“Special events should be exclamation marks in our lives, but ordinary days need to be celebrations too, as meaningful and beautiful as the big events.”